We survived the year

We survived the year

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Planning Begins

Ok- so what have we done?? It cant be true.

For some reason I have this strange feeling that I agreed to uproot the whole family, hand over the house to a complete stranger, allow Kathy to resign from work, take Adelaide out of school - and head off to a place that is somewhere at the bottom of the UK. I know it is Weymouth...I Think... but dont even begin to ask me any questions on what is it like? how big is it? What is there?

So can I answer the question - what are you doing? Well yes... and no. As far as I can tell, it is a work exchange with Weymouth Council. My role will be the Corporate Development and Partnership Manager. Beyond that it gets a bit fuzzy.

If it is true then the scary thing is that there is only 62 days to go before I leave. Time to get passports, visas, work permits, air fares, hand over things at work, get the contract organised, Kathy to resign, arrange schooling and childcare, get our finances in order, arrange a car, resign from the P&C, do our tax............................

OK, so what have we done???