First day on the job
- 40 mentions of the weather in the UK and how cold and rainy it is, has been, will get.
- 5 comments on the cricket
- 3 people asking why I would want to leave Sydney
- 2 "good luck - you will need it" and
- 1 "what were you thinkin?"
Spent most of the day being introduced to everybody. Rest of the week will mainly involve getting to know my team, meeting the other Managers and getting a bit more of an understanding of the role and priorities. For those that dont know my role is Corporate Development and Partnership Manager. Still learning what this actually means but so far it includes:
- Corporate Policy and Planning (I always knew I wanted Dougs role)
- Community Planning (2 staff very similar to our community capacity building team)
- Sports
- Arts (I can hear Susan laughing now!)
- Heritage Centre
- Pools (being handed over)
- Democracy (mix of Councillor services and community engagement)
A mixed bag with a lot of challenges (oops) opportunities! I am looking forward to the year ahead.
Hi again,
happy to assist with the arts portfolio - as long as becomes destination 1 in your corporate planning !!! - looks like I might be in the UK late June to end of July - got to meet Alex - seems to of settled in - describing our current weather as an "english summer" a barmy 22c. He did say he had worked in the arts in the past. At least he is happier that the english are showing a bit better fight in the cricket at the moment...
I think we are being a little kinder to ALex. So far he has had prawns on sugar cane; dumplings, 2 tours with place managers, an introduction to parralanguage, a planning heirarchy - similar to his golden thread, and a poltitical landscape tour. He is still with us - so we have not frightened him off - although he has lost the suit!!
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