We survived the year

We survived the year

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Kingston Maurwood

Today we headed of to Kingston Maurwood - A lovely house built in 1717 and a garden full of little rooms for the kids to play and hide in. Spring is just here with carpets of white, red, yellow and purple wild flowers everywhere.

They also run a farm and it is lambing time so the kids had a great time. We were also lucky to see a new lamb being born - it was interesting explaining the process to the kids.

Another sunny day - the 10th in a row since Kathy arrived - but I dont think it is time to put the jacket away yet. They are predicting snow and freezing temperatures to return on monday as a big change comes through.

Finished the day at the pub with Kathy having her first real English ale. With Mothers Day tomorrow looks like I am in control of the kids for the day. I wonder if they like the pub???


Anonymous said...

I hope the sun is out when I am there and I can get to experience some of the things you are doing.

The girls must have had a ball at the "big house"

Love Jemma

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos James of your day "ät the farm" what a wonderful experience for the girls. Loved the lamb chops 81. Guess this was one of the estates available from that great gift from your workmates . Kath, do you finally believe you are there? Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi ya Jimbo,

I feel so privileged to have been mentioned on your fantastic Blog. I still read your stories with the great, dry sense of homour as Tom G and Rob.Great to see you are getting out and about with Kath and the girls - make hay while the sun shines!!!DO the girls want pet sheep when they come back to P'matta.
I think we(back here down under)all find it hard out doing your witty penmanship and wait with eager antisipation for your next log.
Miss you
Lots of love

Anonymous said...

hi guys

hope your having fun.Good to read your blog and Adelaide's too.keep up the writing and have fun.don't come back with an english accent!!(or a suntan ha ha)
can't wait to see you guys again

from your cuzz