We survived the year

We survived the year

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Eye Jimmy

Arriving in the ‘Newcastle’ of Scotland, we stayed with Elenor for a few days and experience the great hospitality of the Scots. While Dundee may not have the most beautiful architecture or dramatic landscape, it is the people that make this place memorable. Standing at the local pub an old man next to me started with:

“Ey Jimmy”.
Not sure how he knew my name but I said “G’Day”.
“Yahriyt, is fir yella like non-drinkin. Where ya frm?”.
Just understanding the last three words I replied “Sydney, Australia”.
“Fukin na fukin kdin, yir hayin iz on. Awa yi go fukin nah!!”
Based on the scattering of colourful language I guessed he was surprised. It turns out that he used to live in Bexley as a young boy. The rest of the conversation needed a translator but there was no escaping the warmth and humour of the locals.

We also made an escape to the golf mecca of the world St Andrews. Unfortunately Hux was not here for me to beat him in a round of 18 so the best I could do was face west and pray to the 18th hole. Thank goodness the Scots failed in their attempt in 1457 to ban the game. But it looks like some things never change since 1598 when 2 men were charged with “prophaning of the Sabbath day in playing at the golf efter nine”.

One last stop at Edinburgh to immerse ourselves in the history of the castle and the humour of the festival. The city was alive with street performers, jugglers, dancers, and comedians lining the ‘Royal Mile’.

A special thanks to Gordon, Irene and Elenor for showing us the true generosity and friendliness of the Scots. Time to explore the great highlands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eye jimmy, och and all ye cun understand any language drinking a good ale or better a mighty Scotch.