We survived the year

We survived the year

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Oh la la

Well finally - I had a chance to get James back for leaving me in Sydney with a dicky gall bladder and three childrens, oh yes and that minor detail of a 24 hour flight - with three children - by my self!!

Trudi, having decided to take the trip of a lifetime - Switzerland, France, England, Ireland and India in two weeks - meet me in Paris for three days of fun and laughs. I also got a chance to catch up with an old girlfriend and Trudi's cousin flew in from Moroco on her way back to the UK.

Day 1 - we powerwalked through some of the classic Paris spots - the Pathenon, Notre Dame, the Louvre and another smaller musee with beautiful Monet's.

Day 2 - we did the musee d'Orsay and Monmatre. Trudi had her picture scetched before we walked down to see the Moulin Rouge (although the price tag prevented us from getting inside..). That evening, after being sent to the wrong place and driving madly up the Champs-e'Lyse in a Taxi with Trudi hanging out the window screaming - do you know where Maxim's restaurant is? in really bad French to anyone who was brave enough to stop and turn around, we eventually found our way to one of the best resaurants in Paris. After a beautiful meal and the best Birthday cake ever we piled back in a Taxi up the Champs-e'Lyse to see the Arc de Triomphe at night and then onward to the Eiffel Tower. It was lit up in Green and Gold with a oversized football between level 1 and 2, a massive NZ rugby football at its base and a scoreboard attached to the front giving us all the lastest scores from the World Rugby Cup. Even with the additions, the Eiffel Tower at night is a magical sight.

Day 3 - Whilst I had to head back to Weymouth, Trudi had time to climb up to the second level of the Eiffel Tower and check out the views before heading back to the UK.

Well worth the two operations and the flight of hell to the UK.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Kath, there is no doubt you made up for your forced delay to UK. Maxims !! Hope you got to take the menu home to prove it- should be included in their prices.! Think you have come down to earth now and trudging around Ireland. Have fun, love to everyone.