7 things you wont read about England in the Lonely Planet Guide
2. BBC news is crap: Now I know in Oz we get some good BBC documentaries but it seems that somehow this level of professional journalism and excellent reporting is thrown out the 12th floor window of the BBC morning news room. If you could imagine a mix of Delvine Delany meets Benny Hill you may get an idea of what I wake up to. I seem to sit and watch story after story which are either repeats of what was said 10 minutes ago or are so shallow that you couldn’t get wet even if you tried.
3. Renovate or detonate: it seems Jamie Drury has nothing when it comes to the English pre-occupation for TV shows about homes. See if you can guess which shows below are not real:
- Auction Squad
- Homes and Property
- Designer Homes
- Grand Designs
- Homes under the Hammer
- Escape to the country
- Build a New life in the Country
- I want that House
- Selling Houses
- Would you but a house with a Stranger?
- My place in the Sun
- A place in the Sun
- No going back – a new life in Paris
- Moving Day
- Relocation, Relocation
- Designer Disasters
If you guessed any of them you would be wrong. You can't turn on the telly without being told which house in Spain to buy, how tweed is the new design or how the house you live in now is crap compared to these magnificent properties you could never afford to buy. It seems that one common thread in most of them is that everything is better somewhere other than England.
4. No need to Cook – just turn on the TV: It also appears that the only thing more passionate with the English than buying and renovating is cooking. I wont even begin to list the cooking shows here but the celebrity cooks seem to outweigh all the pop stars, actors and actresses combined. But it is obvious that the shows are not designed for people to actually repeat what is being cooked. They are designed to lull the population in to thinking that all you have to do is sit on the fat ass and watch other people cook healthy food while you tuck in to your deep fried fish and chips. Obesity seems to have a good strangle hold and with long cold winters I can see why.
5. Teenage Pregnancy: Now I don’t want to make light of what is a real serious issue, particularly in Weymouth. It is common to walk in to town and be confronted by a constant stream of teenage mums pushing strollers. I know they talk about the struggles of small communities creating good employment and the need to keep the youth occupied but it is clear that something needs to be done. May be they could get them involved in renovating or cooking?
6. Football hooligans – player wimps: Watching the rugby recently I couldn’t get over the brutality that these players succumb to yet still manage to pick them selves up of the turf and keep going. “You’ll be right mate, its only a broken leg, get up and kick that ball”, “No that’s not blood, it is just a bit of your lung been forced out through your nostril - now go get-em”.
At the opposite extreme we have English football. There must be a well know acting class that they all go to as the response is often the same. The player starts by first jerking his head back like the image of JFK being shot in the head. Then he throws himself first up, then down, then collapses to the ground holding his head with one hand, his shin with the other. He then proceeds to roll around until such time as 4 men run out with a stretcher, or in extreme diving cases a coffin. The level of rapid recovery is often a medical miracle and is proportional to the time it takes to blow a whistle.
And so with all the acting that goes on, on the field, it escapes me why there continues to be such a level of cave men attitude when it comes to the spectators.
7. England sucks in the rain: And I suppose some of you might be thinking what got me on this rant in the first place. Well it really started this weekend when I left Kathy and the twins at home and Adelaide and I decided to head off to the Cotswolds for the weekend. The plan was to visit Oxford and look at the lovely old University buildings, then make our way through many of the small towns that lie within the undulating hills of the Cots. While the postcards show picture perfect scenery they don’t seem to have that same quaint, appealing charm about them when it is driving rain and 5 deg C. There should be some warning placed on Lonely Planet Guides saying "sorry - please ignore all previous information about how plesant these places are if there is any sign of rain"
In the end, with rain like that it is easy to see why people want to buy a house overseas, eat themselves to death on fatty food, get pregnant or take it all out on the football fans next to them.