We survived the year

We survived the year

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Wallaby Road Kill

Ok, this weekend was one of the few which we have not drugged the children and thrown them in the boot to head off to some new village, castle or misty dale. No – it is not that we are settling in to a normal life here – instead we are heading to Ireland next Wednesday so it is the only chance I have of cutting the lawn before it is listed as old growth forest.

But before I lost three hours of my life walking up and down a paddock (I hope Alex gets a sheep when he returns) a faint call of patriotism beckoned. I didn’t have my Wallabies jumper so the best I could do was order a Fosters at the bar and settle in to a thrashing of the English…. Well that was the plan.

The Luggers Inn was full. It began with God Save the Queen being sung by the crowd and at that point I knew we were in trouble. With the exception of the Kiwi next to me I was the only other person who didn’t have some form of red or white attached to their torso. I stood proud and sang along with Stirling Mortlock to Advance Australia Fair but it seems we were both out of tune today.

As the game tussled back and forth I was a lone voice yelling for someone to mess up Wilkinson’s hair and for Tuqiri to do something useful but alas all the encouragement was not listened to. It seemed even with the Eifel tower bathed in green and gold while Kathy was in France (I will get her to post about the fun and misadventure she got up to with Trudie) there was little that could be done to bolster the troops. And so it ended with a hundred cheers from the crowd all directed squarely to me as I hovelled in the corner a beaten man.

Time to make a quick escape out the fire exit and think about doing those lawns….. na it can wait. I think I will plan which village, castle or misty dale we will visit in Ireland.


Anonymous said...

James, this is Sally Cook (you know mad Sal and John from Adelaide.) We are in Manly with the three kids (NO, not staying here says John Carey) We have been staying with friends at Bayview and have another week here. Parked the car underground, walking to Wharf and off to Lunar Park. Much to J.C.s delight we are coming back to spend the day at Manly tomorrow.
Your photos are beautiful and love reading your stories. Sal

Anonymous said...

I am going to Board meeting later this afternoon so John will be waiting with open arms for the family to return!!??